The air the wind has changed
Even though the heat of summer still lingers, and even grows from day to day, i can feel the slight change in season.
Each day, from the start of September, has brought even hotter days, more than it has since August, which has been our hottest time of year in the past. I have noticed the hedgerows have become more abundant with blackberries.
As we collect the dry hay from the fields, and line the goat sheds to the brim, i get the odd attachment from the brambles, reminding me with a gentle tug, to take notice of the hedges.
The tree's are laden with fruits, and the wasps and honest are ever so active.
This begins the romantic stage for me, as the very slight start to the autumn season draws in.
I have been busy making new stock for the new online shop i will be posting, but thought maybe it would be good to accumulate all the goods before i start to post it all up.
Just incase you haven't already, id like to invite you to click the follow button, and get frequent posts from the farm, me, our music and my art, the area we live in and what approaches us here this coming winter.
With love
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