The February teaser

February has approached after long last. 

January always seems to be the longest month. 
Im not sure if it is to do with the hunger gap, and all that tucking into the food stores left, or the weather takes control and makes each day last so long, watching and waiting for the sun to poke its head out.

With February has come the sun, and it has become rather hot and sunny the last few days, with temperatures up to 18celcius. 
What a welcome sun it is.

I have checked on the lettuce seeds i germinated during the cold and wet January, they have thrived, and are hardening off in the garden as i speak, once they get a bit bigger they will be planted out in the garden.

Here are last years kidney beans and Turnip tops for dinner tonight.

I spent all of yesterday painting and weeding through the garden, checking my herb area. My poor comfrey bush had been dumped with a lot of water and i feared maybe it wouldn't survive, luckily i saw a few sprouts pop up. 
What was i thinking, comfrey die off?

I replanted some calendula plants that spread all through the garden over winter, and bed them down along paths and walled areas.

I am so excited to share with you my new set of paintings.

I have been asked to display some of my art in the centre of Tourism in Gois, Coimbra. Along with some old paintings, i have been busy painting up some smaller ones to attract people to buy more, selling them at a cheaper price, also with a very pure nature theme to them. 
Highlighting the wildlife in our area, and encourage people to take more care of those creatures coming out of their winter sleep.

The birds at the moment are in abundance, and have taken up a permanent residence in our lemon tree and the garden and in general everywhere, an array of brightly coloured little birds, some in a swarm and others just solitary. 

I do love the birds, and all their colours, it fills me with pure joy to see them and their little heads eating the bugs from my lemon tree outside my kitchen window.

Here are a few little paintings on some flat stones i have complied for tomorrows journey to the town to hand them in to the head of tourism.

A dear friend of mine has managed to help me by selling some of my art to her sister, who works in Egypt. 

Very exciting to have someone take great interest in my work, and complimenting me with kind words on how much attention i put into the colours. 

I will be making prints of some of the paintings, which will be on sale in my shop, for a lot less than the original. 

Otherwise, if you do like the paintings on flat stones and you are in the area, pop into the Centre de Tourismo in Gois, and purchase a souvenir from me and the area which has inspired my heart to paint.

Thank you all whom have subscribed to my page, it is so nice to have the chance to share with you all my heart song and my pure joy in life.

 Blessings and i'll keep you all posted...


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