Self-sustainability and tips for survival
As each day unfolds, new countries become the new statistics for this virus that is spreading the globe.
The numbers of deaths multiplies as the fear also becomes a big part of this epidemic in so many households.
But, with all the sadness and fear comes hope and determination to fight this, and become the change we wish to see in the world.
There are so many opinions on this, so many points of views and many discussions online, on youtube about the cures, vaccines, herbal treatment to invoke immunity. To be honest, i find it all a bit baffling. The media plays a wonderful part in the story that runs alongside this historical event.

In the mean time, here on the farm, nothing much has changed. It took my family and i a few years to arrive here in the place we are in, emotionally and physically where we are found.
We left the western world, the convenience, modernity, and luxury behind when we made this drastic measure to find self-sustainability and independence.
There was something deep inside my husband and i, calling out to guide us in this choice we made.
I spent many years learning alternative ways, using herbs to heal, understanding nature enough to grow food and forecast the coming weather, in essence going back to the primeval age, and the primitive ways of survival.
We learnt a lot about nutrition, food, how, where and why to grow our own.
We gathered out tools, our food, found homes for animals, and learnt to build structures from the resources around us, i.e, sticks and stones, clay and earth.
We are still learning more everyday, and open to learn from others experiences and listening to the right advice practically and emotionally.
It has been hard on us all here to learn each others ways and how to live together, it has been draining for so many months and rewarding for years, and still here and still eager to fight the fight and not give up or give in.
From making my own soaps, to culturing yeast for bread, to recycling clothes, and fixing old tools. From making food last, and using fruits and herbs to clean my home and our bodies, we have made a beautiful life for ourselves, should the world come to a halt, and people become sick.
Sometimes in life you have to know deep down that what you feel is right and act, listen to your inner spirit that guides, and not give up.
Here where we live it is quiet, many hundreds of people left this area in the 80's to find work and money, as this country suffered much in the time of the dictatorship, the cities called to people.
In this action, land was left and homes crumbled back to the earth, tree's and plants over grew and became a wilderness again, until we came.
We cleaned up, re-used the old buildings, fertilised the earth again, kept the bushes down, and then we suffered a great loss to nature when the fires of October hit the land, and wiped out many precious nature reserves, homes and livelihoods.
It was a time i thought we wouldn't survive in, but fought non the less, an experience i wouldn't call for again, but learnt to overcome and carry on.
That was our first test, this is another, and there surely will be more to come, in the unexpected journey of life.
Bread... a food staple for many for millennia. An art forgotten in time, modernly wrapped in plastic and shaped in perfect squares.
If you don't already know how to bake bread, learn now, what better time than this.
The shops are running out of supplies and yeast being one of them is essential.
Here i have posted up a lady i follow regularly who has taught me much about living this life. I follow this recipe a lot, and wanted to share it with you...
This is just one way to make your own yeast for baking bread... She has a lot of useful advice on her page, one i recommend greatly.
Don't give up hope, we are all in the same boat, and working together will not let it capsize, teach, advise, learn and act...
Welcome to survival...
If you have any questions, or just need to talk... message me anytime, i can help where i can..
Blessings and stay strong... one love
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