Sewing fun for the kids

Sewing is an age old skill. The ability to fix blankets, curtains anything fabric, or design clothes.

I spend a lot of my free time, which is not much, sewing and making new things from old tat.

  When i lived in the UK, i used to pop into charity shops, sometimes finding fabulous fabrics other times, sourcing old clothes with stunning old designs. I would find it so pleasing to come across brightly coloured things.

 Some of the cat charities had bins of old fabrics rolled up, priced up for even cheaper.
It is amazing what you can find with a little bit of imagination and a keen eye.

I would find some lovely old fashioned dresses, and then resemble  them to fit my small size, make the dress into a skirt, an leather jacket into a waistcoat. I would sew in a hem line, a few cute buttons and maybe a ruffle here and there, and i had a new outfit for 2 quid and a bit of my time.

  Now i re-fashion old clothes into shoulders wraps, and utility belts/pockets. Ones that wrap around and hold phones, pens, wallets, lip balm, keys, sometimes even pockets to house items for budding artists for doing art out and about and teeny hidden pockets for special things.

This is my new piece made from 100% wool, and old skirt re-vamped into a utility belt/pocket bags. It has 5 pockets, two on each side inside one another, an adjustable belt size, lined with cotton, and very small hidden pocket in the belt seam.

I would travel from festival to fairs all over the UK and sell my wares.
They sold well and some folks would even ask me for specific fabrics, designs and colours and i would custom make them for certain people.

Here are some more examples of what i have made in the past. all have sold.

Made from leather, costom made

Hand cuffs (sold)

Leather (sold)

Suede pouch (sold)

Under arm bag, satin (sold)

Custom made velvet sent and sold to New Zealand

Wool bag (not sold)

Cotton pocket (not sold)

Grey pouch (not sold)

Recently i have been working on more belts, as someone dropped some old clothes round my house, and i have a lovely stash of fun fabrics upstairs in my attic/art studio colour coded and ordered for easy access. I have even accumulated a small charity shop of my own, with some of my things i make, and some things which i just didn't have the heart to cut up due to being so gorgeous.

  My daughter has been keen to try her hand at sewing, and making beautiful dresses for her dolls.

  I recommend getting your children into crafting fabrics into dresses for dolls.
It is a wonderful way to help your child learn the abilty to sit still and concentrate their focus on a simple craft that has long lasting effects.
Encouraging your child to develop new things or even making mistakes to redevelop for the next doll dress.
Helping them understand drawing out designs, teaching about different fabrics and how they work, soon they'll be wanting a sewing machine.

You can teach most things to a child even if it may be a bit ahead of their age ability. You'll be surprised with what a child can achieve, given the right calming environment and patience from the parents.

  Everything a child learns well comes from good teaching. That is where mum and dad or any family member has to learn many new sills too. Patience, calmness, good communication, time make for positive results.

  These are gems that a child will always remember. These times are precious, good time with your child, as they seem to shoot up and change. Take the time with them, its worth it in the end.

  For now happy sewing, creating and learning. I will keep you up to date with how the little dolly comes along, its a gift for a very special little cousin.




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