When you least expect it....
I ran out of potatoes today, in a bid to make a Sunday roast dinner for the family, one we haven't had for a while.
I thought id try my luck in the garden with some ingredients, so out i went in search for the biggest potato plant i could find.
These potato plants were growing wild in my garden from last year, the potatoes i didn't manage to find in the last harvest, for a number of reasons.
One reason mainly being that some were too small and got lost in amongst the soil and debris and also my rush to pack them all away and into the store cupboard.
The first big plant i came to i dug up and found a heap of huge potatoes, just the right amount for our roast potatoes today, into my grape vine basket they went.
They do rather look like a basket full of chocolate easter eggs, if only.
This was what i did after a morning foraging the wilderness looking for dry wood for to build a fire to cook lunch today.
Up on the mountain scrambling about i found a few dead trees, and after knocking over the wheel barrow for the 3rd time, i wheeled it all back home.
I also thought id share with you some masks i made way back at the beginning of this virus pandemic at the beginning of March, that i made for my husband as he was the one risking his health to get to town to get supplies for the farm and kitchen, he requested a skull and cross bones.
The hype carried through the house and then i found myself making one for all the family.
If anyone would like one let me know, I'm asking for donation for making them and to send them in the post.
I have used recycled clothes, high quality cotton and have followed the guidelines for the homemade face masks from the CDC.
I can't promise they will stop any virus passing to you, as I'm not a medical practicioner, but i can suggest it is a good back up to offer some sort of support if in a high risk area.
They are double lined and used with very good quality cotton.
I make them in small, medium and large.
Post an email to me if you would like one and choose a colour. I have more floral ones, ill post a page soon with all the colours i have available.
My email... jbyrd84@protonmail.com
Blessings and stay safe..
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