
Showing posts from February, 2020

Times are changing

Dearest friends...   Seems such a long time ago since i last posted anything. I have been a very busy little artist, and have sent all my recent art to Lisbon in Portugal. A very dear friend of mine, has managed to sell some of my works of art. She also requested i send some down to her, so that she can show them to an art gallery owner in the capital City. This is my ultimate dream come true.          I have had deep emotions enter my life, i have battled with many confusing moments, i have lost my father to cancer and my mother to past issues.   Seems I'm not the only one in this twister of unfortunate events.     The world is under attack from a virus, the internet is becoming more and more fake news by the minute, data on humans is being shared at a cost financially and emotionally. People are turning against each other, and religion wreaks havoc once again, the age old ways to divide and conquer. Many people are sufferin...

The February teaser

February has approached after long last.  January always seems to be the longest month.  Im not sure if it is to do with the hunger gap, and all that tucking into the food stores left, or the weather takes control and makes each day last so long, watching and waiting for the sun to poke its head out. With February has come the sun, and it has become rather hot and sunny the last few days, with temperatures up to 18celcius.  What a welcome sun it is. I have checked on the lettuce seeds i germinated during the cold and wet January, they have thrived, and are hardening off in the garden as i speak, once they get a bit bigger they will be planted out in the garden. Here are last years kidney beans and Turnip tops for dinner tonight. I spent all of yesterday painting and weeding through the garden, checking my herb area. My poor comfrey bush had been dumped with a lot of water and i feared maybe it wouldn't survive, luckily i saw a few sprouts p...