More ideas for your salad bowl

I thought i should post up some new wild edible weeds, as i myself have been foraging a lot lately and grateful for the rain, its made all the weeds go mad. So in my daily salad bowl i usually pick chick weed, dandelion leaves, borage heads, calendula petals, parsley and chicory. Chicory: Chicory is vital for your digestive system, containing inulin, a powerful prebiotic. Prebiotic is a type of bacteria tapped to aid the host, instead of laying ground for disease. FEMS Microbiology Ecology reports, inulin is used for acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, and helps to reduce acidity of the system inside your body. Chicory is so beneficial to you digestion causing ease. Chicory is found all over Europe, in fields, grasslands, by rivers in your garden. Look out for the blue purple flower. Wild Lettuce: This weed is not only a lovely addition to your sala...